Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chapter Seven: Back to Dick and Jane.

Reviewing, we talked about what happens to Dick and Jane if Dick employs copy-cat behavior in winning her affections. Now we will surmise about what happens if he tries to be absolutely unique. You will recall that Jane was in love with the President of the Chess Club when Dick determined that he wanted to be her sweetheart.

Having wisely avoided a Mohawk haircut, he has put on his best shirt and tie, and walks up to her and blurts out, “I want to be a world class marine Biologist, and study Evolution on Komodo Island. Will you go bowling with me on Friday night?” Jane takes one look at him and evaluates him as a predictable simpleton, and says “No thanks. Ask somebody else.” Dick is shattered, and glumly proceeds to drown his sorrows in Grape Nehi, bewailing the injustice of how “All Women” treat “All Men.” As far as Dick is concerned, this is utter failure, and the very worst thing that could have happened. In reality, going by our previous example, Dick has saved months of time and a broken heart, and has ended up with exactly the same result. This is the best thing that could have happened to Dick, as long as he is still friendly when Jill comes along.

Looking back over our “disaster,” we see that Dick certainly did not sell himself short, but embellished the truth a little. He no more wants to study Evolution on Komodo Island than he wants to be World Chess Champion, but it represents the highest goal of any Vet's career.

Meanwhile Jane didn't really make out like a bandit: (she stole no hearts today.) The Chess Club President hasn't asked her out yet, and she missed out on a chance to honestly evaluate if she likes Dick at all. Double entendre if you must. As far as she can see, All Chess Club Presidents never ask anyone out!

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