Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chapter Eleven: SEX!

If trying to make heads or tails of sex relations is like taking the SATs, then trying to keep a level head while having sex is more like trying to take the SATs while tripping on acid. It makes everything more intense, and the highs of success make the devastating crashes of mistakes abysmally worse.

You can't have enough sex for it to wear off. Even if you could, it would take 30 or 40 years of continually working at it. The theory that you can get perspective by putting it behind you somehow, has never been proven in a laboratory. To be sure, I have friends who will tease and say that people who say “sex is no big thing” are getting plenty. At the outset, that appears to bolster a claim that sex is some kind of “big deal.” But upon closer examination, it is really an argument that “when you're getting plenty of sex, it's no big deal.”

Suffice it to say that while sex is not an Olympic event, in can be done badly as well as superlatively. If it's no big deal, you are in shock or jaded, or otherwise not getting the full benefit. That being said, this is not a book about how to have sex.

Remember the third chapter, when Dick became a Chess Champion and got Jane's best attentions? If Dick and Jane had consummated the doomed relationship with sex, then every bad lesson they learned would be associated and re-enforced with memories of sex. If the sex was great, the bad memories are ground into the consciousness with vivid painful detail. If the sex was mediocre, each secretly wonders if better sex would have solved the problems.

Would you agree with me that regaining objectivity at that point is next to hopeless? Disease and Unwanted pregnancy only make it catastrophically worse. This is as good a time as any to really investigate exactly what we mean.

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