Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chapter Ten: Jack and Jane:

Jack is the Captain of the football team. Jane is free to date, as Chess Club Man is otherwise occupied, and being the savvy operator that he is, he makes his move.

Keeping in mind that this example is just as contrived as the others: Jane is flattered that this strapping example of youth admires her, and accepts the date. Tuesday comes, (Friday night is game night,) and she dresses to impress. Worldly wise, he kisses her hello, and she is disappointed to observe that he smokes. The first date is to a movie. No messy conversation. No pussy footing around, his hand starts out half-way down her thigh, and isn't migrating toward her knee. She holds his hand in her lap with both of hers, and loses all appreciation for the movie.

Now at this point, half of us are thinking she needs to begin emergency measures to regain boundaries. And those of us who are not yet parents are saying “What's keeping her knees from parting imperceptibly?”

Those of the former, less popular contingent have correctly anticipated that no matter what happens here and now, making less happen next time is like playing pick-up sticks with a wet noodle.

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