Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chapter Seventeen: What about Fat People?

Ask Hollywood: There is no ugly in the United States of America that is so hard to shake as being overweight. While Americans may be intellectually aware that a bad pituitary gland can do this as easily as being lazy, let's face it; there are at least as many lazy fat people as lazy thin people. Lazy people exist. The rest of the fat people are expected to show a diligent identity by some means, and any verbal explanation gets written off as a crutch by the third time you hear it.

So let's do a reality check: Jack, our football player may always be “in a relationship,” but he will still face the age old question “What have you done for me lately?” from time to time. As a calorically empowered American, we will face the same question, just more often. So, whatever arena you choose to show diligence in, remember that resting on our laurels is every bit as dangerous for a fat person as a CEO, and the Olympic Wreath is merely a garnishment at any time... never give it time to wilt.

That being said, it is not impossible to do something about it. First off, look at a statistic. Without allowing for Christmas time gains and the “Freshman fifteen” in college, even the best looking of us tend to gain a pound a year. From 20 years old to 50 years old, that's thirty pounds. Looking at someone who started out weighing 180 (and needing to weigh 165,) that puts him/her at 210. I'm suggesting that you make a determined decision to do better than that, and don't lose sight of it. OK, now you've got those thin people in your sights, let's talk about how that can be done.

Consider hiring a nutritionist. This is a more sure way to count calories than any other mechanism. A diabetic diet is a very good way to lose weight, and a nutritionist will make sure your vitamins and phytochemicals (found in vegetables) are kept well rounded. If that is not an available solution, try keeping a food diary for at least a week. It will make you more thoroughly aware of exactly what you ARE consuming. The more detailed you are, the more benefit you will likely realize. The object of the exercise is to break any cycle of absentminded eating.

Fight complacency: As you lose weight, there comes a point when you want to relax and say “I’ve done enough.” As such set achievable goals. At most weights, 10% of your body weight represents an achievable goal. If it is necessary to reward yourself (I know I want to,) make that weight the break point at which you reward yourself with a non-food reward… new cloths are an excellent investment, and will keep you in line, by enforcing a good fit.

Soda has as slightly less sugar in it than a very sweet Iced Tea, and is usually sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. This has been accused in print of slowing the body’s metabolism, and so can aggravate a weight problem. Most people hydrate with soda in the US of A. Two sodas a day is enough, and the remainder of our fluid intake should be other things. If you crave sugar (sugar can actually give you an addictive rush,) use apple juice for example. It is sweet, and gives you the rush, but drink too much of it and you will be rushing to the bathroom. As you lose weight, you will be able to tell when you crave sugar. The sugar you take elevates your metabolism slightly at the time, but also falls off sharply based on what is called the glycemic index. Pure cane sugar is a 100 on the glycemic index. Sugars that enter your blood stream more slowly are lower on the glycemic index, and sugars that enter your bloodstream faster are higher. As such, you can learn to break a “sugar crashing cycle” by using slower digesting sugars. In Closing: Hydrate with water. Many times when we think we are hungry, it is because we are thirsty.

If money is available in your budget, give some thought to employing a personal trainer. Exercise by itself is good to prevent heart attacks, but to lose weight it usually has to be done in context of a cardio-monitored workout. If a man weighs 300 pounds, you could look at it this way: He is a 180 pound man, exercising by carrying around a 120 pound backpack. If he intends to keep that weight, he should eat accordingly. If he intends to lose weight, he should eat three small meals a day. The body adjusts to low caloric intake, and so it will defend its weight. That being said, a personal trainer is invaluable in a weight-loss program. Most health Spas and Gyms provide this as an additional service.

If you are trying to lose weight, it makes sense to start your metabolism early in the day. That way, your body burns calories all day long. As such the time of day to exercise is in the morning. Shift work is against the circadian rhythms, and requires special attention.

The Cheapest food is fattening. A blessing we enjoy in this land of plenty is that Economy of Scale and Comparative Advantage have been employed by the producers to best make rich foods cheap. Honey, Whole Milk, Hamburgers etc are all available in such plenty that our standard of living has rendered them cheap. The portions are accentuated to improve economy of scale, not nourish a healthy lifestyle. As such, delayed gratification is your best defense. When you buy a hamburger, smell the smell and enjoy the anticipation of it, but take it home to eat or eat it at your desk or in the break room. Even when buying a soda out of a machine you can do things to separate between the characteristic sound of a can opening and the time you feel the first rush off sugar hit your bloodstream. This can be a simple as pouring it over ice which makes it taste better too, if you ask me.

Finally, we traditionally eat three times a day. When we try to lose weight, many of us cut that down. In fact, the reason we put on weight in the US of A in that our portions are too large. More meals keep your metabolism busy, but keep the portions small… remember you will eat again soon. If you eat more than three meals, have a reason and adjust portions accordingly.

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